11,000+ Teaching Jobs at Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) | UTUMISHI Serikalini
Happy News for Teachers with a Passion! An amazing 11,000+ teaching positions in Tanzania were just advertised by Utumishi, the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS). This is your opportunity to begin a fulfilling career that will influence the future of our nation. Apply as soon as possible on Ajiratimes.com or the PSRS website to join the movement that is transforming lives with education.
Through this program, Tanzania hopes to raise the caliber and accessibility of its educational services—a critical first step toward development. The country’s public and private education systems will benefit greatly from these openings, which span all educational levels from primary schools to universities.
PSRS (Utumishi) has around 11,000 teaching positions available.
The Public Service Recruitment Secretariat Secretary is inviting qualified Tanzanians to apply for over 11,000 available positions on behalf of the Regional Secretariats and Local Government Authorities.
General Terms and Conditions:
First and foremost, candidates must be Tanzanian citizens and, excluding those who are currently employed by the government, must be under 45 years old. In order to be recognized as teachers of topics, teachers applying for Grade III B and Grade III C positions must additionally submit an Academic Transcript via the “Ajira Portal” system.
Furthermore, we strongly encourage anyone who might be impacted by a disability to submit an online application, notify the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat of their interest in a position, and apply. Additionally, all candidates must submit a certified copy of their birth certificate from an advocate or attorney. Candidates who hold active government employment and have obtained credentials for various cadres must apply for positions through their employers, who must then verify the applicant’s employment.
Three reliable references and a comprehensive curriculum vitae (CV) with current contact details are also needed from applicants. Last but not least, supporting documentation is needed for every application. This includes certified copies of certificates issued by an advocate or lawyer, birth certificates, completion certificates for Forms Four and Six, and certifications of various training courses that meet the requirements for the position.
Qualifications and Education Levels:
Postgraduate, Advanced, Diploma, Certificate, and Diploma.
Exam results for Forms IV and VI.
Academic Qualifications:
Computer Proficiency, Professional Certification from Accredited Boards, 11015 Available Teaching Positions
Note that we are unable to accept results slips from Form IV or Form VI, assertions of results, tentative results, or testimonials. If a candidate studied outside of Tanzania, their certificates must be validated and verified by the relevant authorities (TCU, NECTA, and NACTE).
This post is not open to applicants who are currently employed by the government in entry-level positions. On November 30, 2010, Circular No. CAC. 45/257/01/D/140 outlines the actions that need to be taken in its place. Additionally, if you provide false information and credentials, you can find yourself in court. Not to mention, all applications must be filed by August 2, 2024.
Open Positions:
Make sure to attach a signed letter of application for employment together with your educational certifications. The application letter’s intended addressee is:
Forward your CV to:
The Public Service Recruitment Secretary
The President’s Office,
P.o Box 2320,
To apply online, go to the Recruitment Portal (http://portal.ajira.go.tz/). This address is also available on the Recruitment Secretariat’s website under the ‘Recruitment Portal’ section. Applications that do not adhere to the guidelines in this notification will not be taken into consideration.